Emerging From Hibernation:
After the bleak january popscene here comes a belated valentines to sort things out...
All the hype is paying off for the Adele's, Duffy's and David Jordan's of this world...but none of them could get a hit at any other time of year.
Basshunter gives us 2008's biggest selling song of the year so far... with a measley 200,000 sales.
Nickelback reach a new peak of number 2 with a song that charted first way back in october '07...
...and so while pop seemingly slumbers on here is my rundown of the small stirrings going on that give me hope that pop wil soon bloom again:
10) NZ band Cut Off Your Arms: Oh Girl, stealing the building blocks from with every heartbeat to provide the type of indie boys pop that might make some people think pop is newly credible and others think that indie boys are newly hot or something... anyway there it is for you:
After the bleak january popscene here comes a belated valentines to sort things out...
All the hype is paying off for the Adele's, Duffy's and David Jordan's of this world...but none of them could get a hit at any other time of year.
Basshunter gives us 2008's biggest selling song of the year so far... with a measley 200,000 sales.
Nickelback reach a new peak of number 2 with a song that charted first way back in october '07...
...and so while pop seemingly slumbers on here is my rundown of the small stirrings going on that give me hope that pop wil soon bloom again:
10) NZ band Cut Off Your Arms: Oh Girl, stealing the building blocks from with every heartbeat to provide the type of indie boys pop that might make some people think pop is newly credible and others think that indie boys are newly hot or something... anyway there it is for you:
9) Two sweet singles should encourage anyone to find out this album: here is the cover so you know what to look for when u enter a record shop or when u want to paste into itunes to add to your illegally downloaded copy.

8) Black and Gold: Sam Sparro : hotpants : hit single
7) she dont rush the bus: snoop / robyn / sexual eruption
6) im a lyckle bit in love with her: lykke li, little bit
5) Kylie, do it again, cherry bomb, carried away: three new b-sides that add to that whole nintendo/kawaii/mecha/candy thing she almost had goin on with her album. The album is still good but hopefully some of these tracks get merged into the tour setlist to make things a bit more cohesive and thereby resembling artisitc integrity rather than capitalising upon a mix of potential singles.
4) simon curtis remains lodged on my album an
d hopefully this year you will have heard of him hear him here see him here:

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