Saturday 18 August 2007

Q ampersand A

Q) How does a singer who cant dance make dance-worthy videos?
A) She sits down. A Lot.
Incredulous Q)Boring.?!
Girly A) ...No no no.
Intrigued Q) How so?
Smug A) There are french maids surrounding her.
64,000$ Q) Is it Genius?
Final A) Almost.

Tambourine n, used to be known as the Marine, it was a musical instrument of the percussion family consisting of a a wooden or plastic frame with pairs of small metal jingles, however in 2007 tambourine became unequivocally known as the fifth top forty hit of American friend of Gwen, Eve aka E.V.E, and the single charted two weeks before physical release respectfully within the UKTop40.

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