Saturday 18 August 2007

shes the motherf***in princess

This video highlights several intriguing things:

1) having seen Avril in Manchester before i cant help seeing how much of a caricature of herself she has become. shes now kawaii pink skulls and tartan and dancers with flags and masks in fact its all a bit Gwen Stefani.

2) the Japanese crowd were amazing, Kele from bloc party got annoyed cos they didn't dance to his most 'dancey' song, but when its an artiste they know and love like Avril they go crazy. admittedly they still do the point a finger at the stage routine but the also moshed like she was the punk she wants to be.

3) while some acts coughbrighteyescoughwho? used the language barrier to make the Japanese scream 'yeh' to idiotic things, Avril and Will i am, portrayed a nice understanding of their fans conversing in basic Japanese and making me happy that not all gaijins can only say "arigato" a la Alex Ross from The Arctic Monkey's- although for my sins my Japanese is terrible and i cringe cos i hope my chesterfield accent says it slightly better than his Sheffield one

so tonight i bid u adieu, my blog is back, Ha-Ri-Gatauex

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